Check out the great ceiling in this 240-square foot house

This is a home that the owners say looks “lived in, for sure!”
There's a sidebar to the tiny house movement, which writers might tend to enjoy. That is the renewed habit of giving your tiny house a name.
This endearing home built by Stacey Pridgen of Rooms and Spaces and Tiny Places is a terrific example of a house with a name that personifies its purpose. It is known as the Family Tiny Home or, more completely, Andrew Odom's Tiny r(E)volution Family Tiny Home, given the owner's Tiny r(E)volution blog that informs the world of many things concerning the tiny house revolution, including family- and domicile-related news. 
This lets you know that there's a revolutionary/evolution taking place in the Odom family and the cornerstone of that transmogrification (OK, change) concerns joining the tiny house movement, hook, line and sinker – kitchen sinker in this case. Let's take a look.
This home, in fact, exudes family. From the kitchen stuffed with spices, pots, pans, bowls, cups, snacks and utensils to the baby's bed to the exterior “shower shack,” this is a home that the owners say proudly looks “lived in, for sure!”
Here's a view from the floor. No lofts in this tiny house! But the ceiling is unique and very fashionable. 
This might be the busiest room in the house:
You definitely need a double sink in a busy kitchen.
Source Unknown
Back at floor level, here's something you don't see in many tiny houses -- central air!
And little baby makes three! (Plus the usual velveteen suspects.)
Mom and pop sleep within an arm's reach of the baby.
One of the highlights to this tiny home is the so-called "shower-shack," which is not attached to the house at all. Like many tiny houses -- this one is only 240 square feet -- space is in such high demand that choosing what kind of bathroom to build is a pivotal question. A tiny house demands many lifestyle adjustments and that means having a soul-searching discussion about priorities.  In this case, a good, old-fashioned outhouse serves the family for the time being, except that this is not quite a primitive latrine from the dig-a-hole days. It's a bit more modern than that. And an attached privy, we are told, is in the planning stages.
Still, you could do worse than this:
A quick peek inside:
And, yes, there's a shower, too.